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"Free"<span class="highlight">Market</span>...&#160;...

Once a year I think it makes sense to put our investing hats down and think about why we have and what we have in this beauthiful country. Please take a moment of your free time to read the text of the ...

Our Philosophy

... not stock jockeys with the “hot tip” of the day…We are not market timers with crystal balls or portend the unknown events of tomorrow. We don’t sell investors, we guide them. That being said, our Investment ...

Meet the Firm

...  resources are to be managed prudently. Matt's curiosity and passion for investing was further sparked during the stock market crash of 1987. Being a new investor without any guidance and coupled with t ...

March Madness: Final Four Investing Bracket 2016

... what lies ahead. Six years ago we became the first Registered Investment Advisor to use the NCAA basketball tournament as a way to show our readers a forward-looking view on the stock market. We break ...